Barks & Berries CEO and Founder Jason Gardner with (left to right) Sage, Dobbie, Bella, & Bandit
My name is Jason Gardner and I started Barks & Berries in 2016. After feeding this formula to my own dogs for almost 10 years, I have seen a huge improvement in their health, especially Dobbie, who as she grew older, started displaying some serious health issues – ones too early for her age. Dobbie suffered from liver problems and random infections that could never be traced to any one cause. Months were spent going from vet to vet with the hopes of discovering a cause and then finding a solution.
Each veterinary visit meant new hope and came with new tests, but soon after yielded the same typical results. There was no diagnosable problem but always a suggestion to alter Dobbie’s diet. Each visit ended the same. No real fix and the endless search for what to do next. However, I began to notice something. Each veterinarian recommended a different dog food and each new food brought a new reason as to why it was better and deemed “prescription only”. However, something in each brand’s ingredients stood out. Sugars and starches and additives were well hidden, but they were there. With an extensive background in human nutrition, endocrinology and human physiology, I could see something wasn’t adding up.
I knew that if I could identify ingredients that are essential and beneficial for a dog and eliminate anything that wasn’t necessary, I could create something profoundly innovative and save my poor girl’s life! The quest began and it started with months of research, endless consultations with leading veterinary nutritionists and veterinarians, and the careful study of existing dog food ingredients and how they impact canine physiology. Research and perseverance crafted an exclusive list of ingredients that made sure to include the nutrients she desperately needed from whole food sources and not chemically refined and processed supplements, while eliminating non-essential and toxic ones.
The result is a blend of thoroughly studied, wholesome ingredients with meticulously researched proportions to satisfy the biological needs of dogs while satisfying even the most discerning (Dobbie and her brothers and sister are definitely picky ones!) of palates. It’s not dog food. It is better than that….it is dog nutrition!
And Dobbie… She’s doing great.
Soon after starting her new diet the long troublesome issues disappeared and she went back to doing what she did best, being a healthy dog and a loving companion. Now, we have nothing to report but a pack of happy, healthy Papillons!
Now my passion continues. I created Barks & Berries to deliver the absolute best in fresh, organic, and wholesome dog nutrition. Our customers love us and the pets we serve have their lives forever changed because you chose us.
From our kitchen to yours in health,
As seen in
Just simple, natural food that is ethically sourced and human-grade.
Every item that goes into Barks & Berries products is carefully selected. Our choices are based upon meticulous research and hard facts about what dogs need and what dogs desire. And, unlike some companies, we never base our choices on what makes the most profit.
All of our ingredients represent the best at delivering the right ratio of easily digestible and species appropriate proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Additionally, whole food sources of required vitamins, minerals, probiotics, antioxidants and polyphenols will be provided to your dog. It is real food made from real ingredients that represent the best in nutrition.